Before select a carrier we have to identify our passion/we must find out our life purpose by any one of the passion finding method.Then one has to select carrier field of their choice.Then determine how you will involve in respective field.You can either go to bushiness or can involve as employee/self employee.To start a bushiness in your passion field is easier than earlier due to IT revolution. Money making formula in employment/self employment is M=T*R Where m is the money , T is the time of work R is the rate /hour .In order to make more money one has to increase either T OR R. But time is fixed in employment and only variable is R.To get more rate increase the skill ,qualification,. So to increase the education/skill.Employees and self employees share only small/minute portion of wealth .Even though thees people create huge portion of wealth.they only get a small portion out of this.90% of wealth handle by big business people and INVESTORS.The money making formula for thees people is M=T*R*N Where N is the no of people working for them .They use "OPTM"(others time and money) Technology.They get huge wealth..90% people get only 10%wealth but 10% people get 90% wealth.90% ran behind money but 10%run in front of money.If you want success in life you must start your carrier either employee/self employee and then enter to bushiness/investor catogory
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