15 Jan

(1)A guy was sleeping under a tree. A man was walking and found the guy sleeping. The man awakened him and inquired the condition.

He tried to advice the guy , by saying that he should change his life to different level.The guy asked the man what has to do for wellness. He advised him to go outside and find a job to earn money.Then marries a girl and have children,construct an house and lead a well being life.Then guy told him that is he already enjoy .  lesson we are not ready to change life from our comfort zone(even-though our present bad condition feel them good )

(2) A sculptor was searching for a stone to make a good sculpt.

At first he saw a white shining stone.He told to stone that he will

transform the stone into a beautiful monument if stone is ready to bear some time pain.Then white stone replied him that i am not ready to bear pain as already he was beautiful.The sculptor suddenly threw the stone into the river.As the woman saw the big stone in riverside they used it for beating the dress for washing. Thus the stone has to take pain forever.The sculptor walked through the river side in search of stone he saw a big ugly black stone in dark place without seeing anybody.The sculptor asked the same question as to white stone to the black stone.The black stone was ready to take pain for gain.Within few hour the man changed the stone into a  beautiful monument.Sculptor put it in public place under a tree.ALL people came to see this beautiful monument.THEY constructed a platform and shelter to keep it safely.LESSON we should ready to take pain in order to get  gain 

(3)Once there lived a farmer having  cows and buffalo .Daily he went

to near by shallow to clean the cows,thus his life gone like that.Once somebody told him the value of diamond and the power of having with it.So he decided to own diamond ,thus he sold his land and got some money to buy diamond .He started his journey in need of diamond.But he could not see any diamond anywhere. At last he tired so much and slept under a tree.IN dream somebody told that his old house has diamond.So he returned his house and saw a shining stone in the table .He asked the owner from where he got it.

He told him that he had get from the water shallow nearby.He at once went shallow and saw many shining diamond there LESSON

We should explore our-self to get identify our power and valuable resource

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