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SUCCESS IS NOT AN END but it is an event . first step of success begin with finding your self and thus the passion.Everyone should ask thees questions to themselves (1) what you want to achieve in life ?(2) when you want to achieve the goal? (3)what are the consequence if you could not achieve ?( 4) how you want to achieve your dream? The answer to the first question reveal your life purpose as well as the passion .To find the passion and life purpose there are various method and trick available.You can apply any of the following method to find passion.(1) IKIGAI (japan trick) (2) dream day design trick(3) Ask specific gift from God method( 4) what you want to do in heaven trick (5) what you will do if all people is against you( 6)what you want to give society as an inheritance (7) write a message you want to convey everyone (8)Prepare a speech to talk about you in a meeting which is organised to honor you (9) other online passion finding method  By any of thees method you can find your passion and the destiny. If you not fixed a realistic time to reach destiny ,surely you wont achieve it.Time management is best trick to reach goal. For  this  we have to classify the task in the order of importance.Task may be classified in to 1)most important 2) least important 3)urgent 4)not important and not urgent .we should not do the activity which is listed as not important not urgent.Only engage with important and urgent task as per order of importance.Through this you can achieve the goal in a realistic time limit.your fixed goal/destiny should SMART(systematically measurable achievable realistic time bound) IF your answer to third question (what are the consequence if you could not achieve ?) is'' NO" sure you wont achieve it.if the consequence is difficult to you then only you can attain the goal.

SUCCESS IS NOT AN END but it is an event . first step of success begin with finding your self and thus the passion.Everyone should ask thees questions to themselves (1) what you want to achieve in life ?(2) when you want to achieve the goal? (3)what are the consequence if you could not achieve ?( 4) how you want to achieve your dream? The answer to the first question reveal your life purpose as well as the passion .To find the passion and life purpose there are various method and trick available.You can apply any of the following method to find passion.(1) IKIGAI (japan trick) (2) dream day design trick(3) Ask specific gift from God method( 4) what you want to do in heaven trick (5) what you will do if all people is against you( 6)what you want to give society as an inheritance (7) write a message you want to convey everyone (8)Prepare a speech to talk about you in a meeting which is organised to honor you (9) other online passion finding method By any of thees method you can find your passion and the destiny. If you not fixed a realistic time to reach destiny ,surely you wont achieve it.Time management is best trick to reach goal. For this we have to classify the task in the order of importance.Task may be classified in to 1)most important 2) least important 3)urgent 4)not important and not urgent .we should not do the activity which is listed as not important not urgent.Only engage with important and urgent task as per order of importance.Through this you can achieve the goal in a realistic time limit.your fixed goal/destiny should SMART(systematically measurable achievable realistic time bound) IF your answer to third question (what are the consequence if you could not achieve ?) is'' NO" sure you wont achieve it.if the consequence is difficult to you then only you can attain the goal.

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